Nov. 7th - really?


This morning I woke up in the dark and googled when daylight savings time would start. I was really hoping it would be soon as I'm not one of those people who does well waking up in the dark & having it stay dark for a while (Although I don't like having it get dark early either. Shortened daylight is a huge downside to fall and winter for me.) Anyway, we don't get to set our clocks back until Nov. 7th. Last year it was Nov. 1st. Sorry for the whining on a Monday morning. Hope these images from Maison Interiors make up for it.

All images from here.


Speaking of sleep, here are some of the fun designers and bloggers I got to catch up with at Ronda Carmen of All the Best's SFERRA event at Timothy Paul Bedding. From left to right, designer Barbara Franceski, Stefan Hurray of Architect Design, designers Heather Safferstone and Sally Steponkus of Sally Steponkus Interiors and Daniela Shuffler of Aesthetic Oiseau.

SFERRA has launched a campaign called Lose Count to increase awareness that there are other important elements to high quality bedding in addition to thread count. Check it out here as there's also great info on putting together a beautiful bed.
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