A Pearl at the Oyster

...The Oyster Box hotel to be exact (Durban, South Africa). I haven't been this taken by a hotel's design since first seeing the interiors of the J.K. Capri two years ago. For me the shell chandelier, diamond patterned fabric and the star shaped in-laid table are jaw dropping gorgeous.
Love these oranges and reds with the dark panelling and brass light fixtures.
I think I'd turn these chairs the other way...what a view.

Without the floor to ceiling mirrors this room could feel claustrophobic. Just noticed the bedside tables have their own "headboards" too.
I found out about The Oyster Box hotel after visiting the Australian based blog Verandah House - this blogger is launching her own line of rattan furniture and accessories for the Australian market and her blog is full of eye candy.
Hope you had a great weekend. Sunday we lost power after a storm ripped through the area in the afternoon but now it's back on - yeah!
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